Ick Ick Ick....
20 years ago if you would have told me we would have such a great credit score we would qualify for a no documentation loan I never would have believed you...
[The name should not be 'no documentation' loan it should be 'less documentation' - as in, you will not have to buy a xerox machine and copy every piece of paper in your home]
Anyway... 20 years ago we had such bad credit OMG!... plus we had to file BK!... At the time it was a nightmare... 7 years actually! As I look back now... it was a blessing because now we have great credit and we understand how important credit can be.
This is why I am happy I'm finished writing to the big three [experian, equifax,and trans union] and proving we were NEVER 30 days late on a mortgage!
Eeeeeewwwww I hate doing that kind of stuff....
Its so....
Grown up.... Ick
That's wonderful. Sounds like you earned where you are now. Enjoy it.
Take care, Chrissie
I hate grown up things, well, most of it anyway!
Congrats on the great credit score! You have worked hard to get to where you are now.
LOVE, lisa
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