Monday, April 7, 2008

Things that make you go Hhhmmm?

I was talking to Jeanne on the phone today and it reminded me of something that happened this weekend... 
BTW Jeanne loved the accent "Daaw-tur!"  LOL
Ok... so anyway... Sam and I ran over to the store to get something and we noticed it was full of lesbians...
They had walked over from a resort nearby...
When we leave the store... I see lesbians everywhere... crossing the street... walking around the resort grounds etc... 
So I started thinking... what kind of convention would have a bunch of Lesbians? 
What job could it be for...?
The only thing I could think of is P.E. teachers?
All my P.E. teachers kind of looked like they could be a Lesbian... maybe yours didn't...  but mine did...
I mean... you'd kind of wonder the same thing if you noticed a bunch of them in your neighborhood right?
For me to notice it... it HAD to be obvious because I live in Palm Springs California...
There is a big population of Gay people here...
[Oh ya and they were mostly in bathing suits... which made them stick out to us locals because it was windy and we were in sweatshirts]
Later when we were driving back from the grocery store...  we noticed a sign...
[Nabisco Dinah Shore Golf Tournament]
 or otherwise known locally as
'Dikes on Spikes'


Anonymous said...

oh hell no.................not on my life would you ever catch me like that!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yup, my gym teacher looked the part sista !!
Stay away girl, stay FAR away

Anonymous said...

LOL you are so funny! And PE teachers DID look like that now that I think about it LOL!

Anonymous said... crqack me up.....and I LOVED talkimg to you!  I'm going to be calling you again FOR SURE!!


Anonymous said...

GOOD Lord.
You are a barrel of laughs and crazy too.  :)