Friday, April 4, 2008


Yesterday when I came home from Newport

[after 3 days away]

I see Kieffer

"Hi Honey, How is your leg?  is it getting better? Did the swelling go down?"

"MOM... you need to quit baby-ing me. I'm not your baby anymore"

"Yes, you are Kieffer... you will ALWAYS be my baby"

"No I won't... Seriously Mom... quit baby-ing me" 

I walked away... obviously he was cranky...

I knew my time would come...

paybacks are a bitch...

it came 30 minutes later...

"Mom, I am really hungry... Will you make me something to eat?"

"You know... Normally I would Kieffer... but I have to quit baby-ing you... Your not a baby anymore..."

he started laughing...



Anonymous said...

ROFL.....ah, yeah, ya gotta love 'em.


Anonymous said...

Funny.  LOL  And obviously he found the humor in that as well.  Have a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

LOL good answer you gave him! I bet he'll think twice before he says that to you again!

Anonymous said...

HAHA ! See, they dont' want to be babied, but then deep inside, they DO *(ok, did that even make sense?)
Love ya

Anonymous said...

yeah an he will always be my baby too!!  who will go out of her way for all the kids to cook what they want and do whatever it is that they may need..............and i'm not just talking about just as guilty as her..................but thats ok.................becuz they are "our babies" who we have this unconditional love is a great thing that they are all so damn cute too!! i love you pains in our
