Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I have a few minutes more...

Sam had to go to the office and sign the monthly checks... then he went to Home Depot AGAIN... 

I am so tired from this whole ordeal... I keep looking at my bed...  The one I havent slept in since Friday...

Kris is up at the High Desert house, but the winds are blowing so hard... there will be no work happening today... that is why we came down to get clothes and pay bills...

Anyway... my bed is calling my name until Sam gets back from the office...




Anonymous said...

Hope you are getting some rest.  It's sad that people feel the need to steal from others.  They ought to cut their hands off like they do in some Arab countries.


Anonymous said...

i hope you are surely did not need all this stress!!!!!!
LOVE, lisa

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry all this has happened.  Thank goodness for the family being able to fix stuff!!  Love ya, Shelly