Thursday, October 25, 2007

I spoke too soon...


Sam and I just returned from the movies...

"We Own the Night"

save your money... I give it 2 stars - Sam gave it 2 1/2...

Anyway, before we left it was eerie around here... the smoke from the fires is billowing over the mountain tops now that the Santa Ana winds are over...

I live in a valley surrounded by mountains and I can not see any of them! The full moon was blood red when we came out of the movies... I tried to capture it but it was too dark!

The San Diego smoke is coming over the south mountains and the Arrowhead smoke is coming in through pass where the windmills farms are... Ahhh phooey...

See the mountains? I can't see them anymore!




Anonymous said...

As Smokey Bear always says . . . Only you can preven Forest Fires.  Have a good Friday.


Anonymous said...

This is really scary !
