Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

Hi Everyone!
Guess who has wi fi... Whoo Hoo Yippee... Hang on while I do the Wi Fi dance... Yes! It is so nice! So... you can expect to hear more from me now!
I don't know where to begin on getting ya caught up! I guess you know by now I had 50 people up here... ALL WEEKEND!!!
We had a BLAST... I wish I could upload the photos but I can't till I go back to the other house...
We had 4 turkey's, 2 hams, 20 lbs of mashed potatoes, a huge tub of ambrosia, 3 tubs of stuffing, a big bag of brown sugar carrots, 2 huge dishes of green bean casserole, a half of a crock pot of gravy, 7 pies, 1 cake, 3 platters of cookies, 2 plates of brownies, a tub of vanilla ice cream and a partridge in a pear tree!
That was only on Thanksgiving Day... Thanksgiving morning we made 3 dozen eggs, 5 lbs of bacon, and 3 loaves of toast... LOL
The week before Thanksgiving I made a 'nesco' cooker full of beef stroganoff [using about 12 lbs of beef and 2 huge tubs of sour cream]
I also made a 'nesco' cooker full of spaghetti sauce then Gram Pam and I used freezer bags and froze it all.
On Wednesday night... all we had to do was heat up the stroganoff and boil noodles... We just kept the cooker on low. As everyone started arriving, they came in and ate.
The night after Thanksgiving we heated up the spaghetti sauce [or gravy right Ellen?] made 7 packages of noodles with 9 loaves of garlic bread, 3 pans of salad...
So I guess what I am saying is... we made a TON of food everyday this weekend but it was easy!
Every morning a different 'couple' made breakfast for everyone! Thursday morning Gram Pam and Chuck, Friday morning my SIL Tina and her hubby Ciro, and Saturday morning Sam and I did it...
Lunches were made in shifts... usually in 2 to 3 groups... some people would be out on trail rides etc... so as the bunches would come in the house... sandwiches would be made!
I cannot believe the weather... right now as I type this... it is BEAUTIFUL! 74 degrees, sunny, no wind... UGH!!! I swear... why couldn't it have been like this for Thanksgiving? On Wednesday, it started raining here... actually pouring all night! Thursday it was so cold and windy we had to move all the couches and furniture out of the house and put the tables up in the family room...
Friday was nice enough to eat outside... All 5 cafeteria tables were set up! It was much easier!
Saturday was so nice we all played volleyball... [3 games] Most of the guys had shorts and no shirts on! Only in California! LOL Wait till you see the pics!!

On Friday, we turned on the National news station and found out 2 people had been shot and killed in my local Toys R Us... Did anyone else hear about that? How sad is that!

Anyway... I just wanted to share my Thanksgiving with all of you... I'll share more with pics soon...

So.... ya'all come back now ya hear!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hi D Hoedown this weekend

Hey Everyone,
Miss ya all bunches... Been crazy busy getting ready for 42 people for Thanksgiving at the Hi D house! Not just for Thursday either! For the WHOLE weekend!!! Nurse Pam is coming up too!!! I will take tons of pics doncha worry ;) Band will be playing on Friday night!!! It will be tons of fun...

We are getting Wi Fi up at the Hi D on Tuesday so I will be on much more after that... Dial up is just too frustrating!

Anyway, gotta run as usual! We only came down to get the trailer
[for people to sleep in this weekend]

Gigi is fine from her surgery... however... she has 8 stitches in her ear at the moment... long story... no time...

I SURE DO MISS YOU GUYS.... Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just when you think you know... you don't know!

Hey Everybody,
Once again I find myself home for 24 hours and then back to the Hi D house... this time without my hunk o hunk o burning love... how will I ever sleep tonight without spooning? Oh... I forgot... I have my Gigi and she is a cuddle bug! Whew!!!
Let's see... where to begin? Ahhh yes my Gigi and her uterus infection... So, last week I took her in for her 3 penicillin shots and prayed like crazy the vet would fix her on Thursday... I was worried sick... she was still bleeding all over the place... ugh... it was horrible!

[I had to throw away 4 blankets to give you some idea!]

Some good news came on Wednesday evening tho... Nurse Pam was coming up for a visit! Whoo Hoo!!! I needed her to keep my mind off of my poor Gigi!
So Thursday morning at 7am I dropped Gigi off at the vet to get fixed and they said come pick her up about 4pm...
Thank God, Nurse Pam was coming up and I kept busy cleaning up the Hi D house all morning...
She arrived about 12 and we had a great visit, but my eye kept wandering to the clock... waiting for 4pm to get Gigi... finally the time arrived and Nurse Pam and I went to go get her...
As we were at the front desk paying the bill... One of the vet techs asked if we wanted to see a photo of how bad Gigi's uterus was...
Well of course we did!
Jeez... Nurse Pam is an R.N. and I am an M.D

[inside joke to Nurse Pam LOL She kept getting amazed at how much medical stuff I know...]

Anyway, so the vet tech brings up the photo of Gigi on the table during surgery with her uterus clamped off... Now let me ask all of you something because we were confused...
How many of you know what a dog uterus looks like? Wouldn't you think it looks the same as a human uterus? I mean you'd think similar right? WRONG...
What we were looking at in this photo looked like a large intestine... so we both asked at the same time... "Ok... what part is the uterus?" and she said "Your looking at it" we left there very confused...
just when you think you know anatomy...
you find out... you don't!

So here ya go... a dog uterus with pyrometra [or uterus infection]

Now that you are grossed out... I just want to say...

If I have to go through it... You have to go through it with me!
I am very grateful for Nurse Pam's visit... she kept me from worrying so much! I am also looking forward to her coming back for her birthday visit!!!

Soooo does it look like a uterus to you?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gram Pam pics

This is Gram Pam after her successful surgery whoo hoo! Brandy the cool nurse too!
This picture was taken before surgery at the Hi D house... She was taking a nap with Bolts who had just had surgery to get fixed...

Nurse Pam is coming up Thursday... Whoo Hoo... Can you say fun... Don't worry Ill take pics LOL
I have to go take Gigi in for her 3rd shot... so keep her in your thoughts and prayers for a 'fixin' in the morning... I can't take the 'Bitch in Heat with Uterus infection anymore'...
Be good kids while Mother Kendra is gone LOL

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My poor GiGi

Hey Everybody,
I sure do hate having dial up at the Hi Desert house! I never go on the computer up there... too frustrating! So here I am at home for 24 hours... Sam and I came home to vote with Kameron [his first time]
I am not going to go into who I voted for because my Mother told me to never talk politics or religion with friends... so that is all I have to say about that!
Now onto my poor Gigi... She needs your prayers right now... Where do I begin? Hhhhmmm... lets see...
I'll begin with a warning... this story is kind of graphic so it may not be suitable for all ages or the male gender... LOL
Ok... 3 weeks ago Gigi started spotting... At first I thought, Oh great Bolts just got out of heat and now Gigi is starting UGH!!! However the spotting got worse and worse and the smell alone made me realize something was horribly wrong... So I took her into the vet and he said she had a uterus infection... He gave her a shot and 7 days worth of take home antibiotics! The next day when I took Bolts and Rider in for their rattlesnake boosters, I told the vet... Gigi's spotting had stopped and she seemed much better... I also made an appointment to get Bolts fixed that week because I was DONE with Bitches in Heat!!! So Bolts got fixed 10 days ago... yippee...
1 down, one to go!
Well, last week on Tuesday, I gave Gigi her last oral antibiotic...
Wed and Thursday I was with Gram Pam and her surgery remember? Well Friday, Gigi's bleeding was SO BAD [2 hand size stains on her blanket] I called the vet and made another appointment for Monday [yesterday] I begged him to just fix her... but he said he needed to see her Monday and maybe fix her on Tuesday... he said she may just need to be "flushed out"... So my running joke to Gram Pam this weekend was "I am thinking of flushing her myself but I just can't decide... fresh rain or meadow flowers douche... what do you think Pam?" and she laughed...
[I know... I have a sick sense of humor]
Anyway... She bleed all over the place all weekend... It was all I could do to keep up with it... [BTW Hydrogen Peroxide gets blood out of almost anything... trust me I know]
Ok... so Monday comes and I take her in... she bled all over my seat in my car, all over the vet waiting area and then all over the exam room...
The vet said he really wanted to take some blood and find out what is going on... So I said ok... he said after he took some blood then maybe she should spend the night and be on IV antibiotics before getting fixed on Tuesday... but I said "She is a Weim and has separation anxiety" he said "I know its common in the breed... ok then... why dont you go do some shopping and come back in about 45 minutes... we will know more then"
So I ran to the grocery and came back... I could hear my Gigi in the back barking her head off... in dog lingo she was saying "GET ME OUT OF HERE"
of course to others it sounded like "Woof, Woof, Bark, Bark, Woof"
So... long story longer... I was scared to death she had uterine cancer... I just knew he was going to tell me that... but I was wrong... whew...
She has a very serious infection!
Her white blood counts on the paper said [0.8 to 13 was high...] she was a 30!
So the vet said he really didn't want to fix her with that raging infection, we had to get it under control but keeping her there on an IV drip was going to be difficult because even tho she has a raging infection she is VERY active and has separation anxiety! So we made a game plan of a shot of penicillin, every day for 3 days with a take home antibiotic... So today, we took her for her 2nd of 3 shots... One more Wed... and then she will have another blood test... if her blood test comes back with better results on the infection, then he will fix her on Thursday...
So I need some help here... send some prayers for my Gigi... I need her to get fixed... I can't take it anymore...

Calgon take me AWAY...

Miss you guys...